When organizations make a commitment to be environmentally and humanely responsible through the complex supply chain, 结果可能是变革性的. Sustainability efforts have far-reaching benefits—from employees and stakeholders to local communities and beyond.

Durable wooden pallets are commonplace in the global supply chain, 在仓库之间运送重要货物, 供应商, 和客户. 根据 全国木托盘和集装箱协会, approximately two billion pallets are used daily in the 美国 alone. This sizable number clearly necessitates the need for longstanding environmental concern and sustainability practices.

Recycled (or refurbished) wood pallets are ideal for the circular economy. 不像古老的“获取-制造-丢弃”模式, incorporating recycled pallets into the supply chain offers several environmental and economic benefits including: 


  • 减少组织的碳足迹 – Building new pallets requires a substantial amount of energy and natural resources. 通过扩展托盘的生命周期, organizations are demonstrating their commitment to conserving resources and saving the planet.
  • 减少堆填区不必要的废物量 – Reducing, reusing, and recycling decreases the amount of unnecessary waste.
  • 减少了对新砍木材的需求 -有助于减轻森林砍伐的负面影响.


  • 推动储蓄 -估计表明回收的托盘可以 成本降低30% 而不是一个新的托盘.
  • 减少采购费用 – Recycled pallets are available at a lower cost; helps reduce procurement expenses for businesses.
  • 〇进一步扩大预算 When businesses save money from a pallet recycling initiative, savings can be reinvested elsewhere. 

Generate and cultivate an environment of sustainable improvement

Integrating recycled wooden pallets into supply chains represents a positive shift toward sustainability and a greener future. Use all the tools in your toolbox to evaluate sustainability efforts at every step of the supply chain. Encourage 供应商/partners to follow your lead (if they have not done so already).

澳门游戏网址大全安卓版 is proud to participate in Kamp’s eco-friendly pallet recycling program. It is another example of how 澳门游戏网址大全安卓版 is committed to sustainable practices that help protect our planet.


澳门游戏网址大全安卓版, 经认证的少数族裔企业(MBE), is the nation’s leading provider of supply chain optimization solutions to automotive, powersports, 和重型oem厂商. 通过我们敬业的团队成员, 精益操作系统, 以及流线型技术, 澳门游戏网址大全安卓版 ensures a resilient and uninterrupted supply chain for the programs we manage. Through customized end to end solutions that address every facet of the supply chain—from inventory management, 实现, 仓库, 装备, 包装, 物流, 运输管理, 澳门游戏网址大全安卓版 enables companies to increase operational efficiency, 提供卓越的客户和员工体验, 关注增长计划, 实现成本节约. 澳门游戏网址大全安卓版 partners with companies to virtualize their supply chains through a growing network of 12 facilities in the US and Canada, 以1.75平方. ft. 仓库空间和600多名全职团队成员. 欲了解更多信息,请访问澳门游戏网址大全安卓版的网站 KemKrest.com.































































































































































































 The 精益操作系统 is the backbone of how 澳门游戏网址大全安卓版 operates its business. 改善, 持续改进的方法, is an element within the 精益操作系统 that is utilized to address any problems and issues throughout 澳门游戏网址大全安卓版’s business and within the customer and supplier base.


澳门游戏网址大全安卓版, 经认证的少数族裔企业(MBE), is the nation’s leading provider of supply chain optimization solutions to automotive, powersports, 和重型oem厂商. 通过我们敬业的团队成员, 精益操作系统, 以及流线型技术, 澳门游戏网址大全安卓版 ensures a resilient and uninterrupted supply chain for the programs we manage. Through customized end to end solutions that address every facet of the supply chain—from inventory management, 实现, 仓库, 装备, 包装, 物流, 运输管理, 澳门游戏网址大全安卓版 enables companies to increase operational efficiency, 提供卓越的客户和员工体验, 关注增长计划, 实现成本节约. 澳门游戏网址大全安卓版 partners with companies to virtualize their supply chains through a growing network of 12 facilities in the US and Canada, 以1.75平方. ft. 仓库空间和600多名全职团队成员. 欲了解更多信息,请访问澳门游戏网址大全安卓版的网站 KemKrest.com.













































































































































































































日语中“持续改进”的意思,“改善的质量驱动过程力求做到小, 有用的, 随着时间的推移逐步改进,以帮助减少浪费, 简化和标准化流程, 促进开诚布公的对话. Recognized globally for nurturing a collaborate work environment and propelling quality, 生产力, 和效率, 改善 encourages and values input from every employee in the workplace—from the CEO to the intern on the warehouse floor.

综合的重要性, job-specific work instructions to reduce safety and quality concerns and help employees perform tasks with the utmost proficiency cannot be underestimated. How do you improve job-specific work instructions to ensure the job function in question is performed safely, 始终如一地, 而准确地? 遵循改善行之有效的PDCA计划,使工作标准化, Do, 检查, Act) approach to solve problems and drive improvements in the workplace:


  1. 〇找出问题所在 从彻底的流程审核开始. This audit should be viewed like a health and wellness check-up. This step requires a thorough examination and review of all documentation (in this example, 特定工作指示). Ask for input from your team to help validate whether the work instructions are complete or need revisions. Encourage suggestions that will maximize 生产力 and eliminate any red flags or safety concerns. 说明是否容易理解和遵循? Are the instructions supported with helpful visual aids such as diagrams or pictures? 回答这些问题是至关重要的. 

2. 分析情况 -这一步是工作实际发生的地方. By evaluating the current state and gathering valuable data and details, 可以揭示根本原因或问题. 过程映射也可能发生. Targets can be set to remedy the problem and drive improvements.

  • 分析第二部分的情况 -深入了解情况. 什么 真的 问题的根源是什么? Narrow the scope and answer the following question: 什么 can be done to drive the change that will fix the issue?
  1. 设定目标 —设置SMART(特定), 可衡量的, 可实现的, 有关, 和有时限的)目标,以解决已确定的问题. 


  1. 制定并执行实施计划 -关键活动使目标或目标得以实现.


  1. 评估 – 评估 the goal or target achievement (if target is not met, 必须采取其他对策). 把计划变成行动项目,然后重新评估.


  1. 制度化 -通过工作指导书将变更形式化并巩固, 指标跟踪, 并通过工作指导书进行培训. 让整个团队熟悉新流程. This step might also include metrics or some type of visual tracking. 

7. 共享的机会 – Share with the greater team that 改善 was completed and its positive impact on the business. Determine if the changes can be deployed in other business areas. 如果有必要,重复这个过程. 根据情况的变化,根据需要重新评估. 接受更多的机会. 


By understanding and implementing the principles of 改善 in your organization, 您可以获得以下好处,包括:

  • 改进的安全流程
  • 改善质素措施
  • 表现出对持续改进的承诺
  • 更好地协调所有的过程和系统
  • 提高员工士气(每个人的投入都很重要) 

Taking the necessary steps towards continuous improvement is an ongoing, worthwhile process that can yield positive results for your organization. 整体, 改善 helps build employee morale and empowers your team to be part of important business decisions. When feedback is encouraged and workers can do a job in a safe, 以质量为导向的环境,促进效率, 他们会茁壮成长.


 The 精益操作系统 is the backbone of how 澳门游戏网址大全安卓版 operates its business. 改善, 持续改进的方法, is an element within the 精益操作系统 that is utilized to address any problems and issues throughout 澳门游戏网址大全安卓版’s business and within the customer and supplier base.


澳门游戏网址大全安卓版, 经认证的少数族裔企业(MBE), is the nation’s leading provider of supply chain optimization solutions to automotive, powersports, 和重型oem厂商. 通过我们敬业的团队成员, 精益操作系统, 以及流线型技术, 澳门游戏网址大全安卓版 ensures a resilient and uninterrupted supply chain for the programs we manage. Through customized end to end solutions that address every facet of the supply chain—from inventory management, 实现, 仓库, 装备, 包装, 物流, 运输管理, 澳门游戏网址大全安卓版 enables companies to increase operational efficiency, 提供卓越的客户和员工体验, 关注增长计划, 实现成本节约. 澳门游戏网址大全安卓版 partners with companies to virtualize their supply chains through a growing network of 12 facilities in the US and Canada, 以1.75平方. ft. 仓库空间和600多名全职团队成员. 欲了解更多信息,请访问澳门游戏网址大全安卓版的网站 KemKrest.com.



















The 精益操作系统 is the backbone of how 澳门游戏网址大全安卓版 operates its business. 改善, 持续改进的方法, is an element within the 精益操作系统 that is utilized to address any problems and issues throughout 澳门游戏网址大全安卓版’s business and within the customer and supplier base.


澳门游戏网址大全安卓版, 经认证的少数族裔企业(MBE), is the nation’s leading provider of supply chain optimization solutions to automotive, powersports, 和重型oem厂商. 通过我们敬业的团队成员, 精益操作系统, 以及流线型技术, 澳门游戏网址大全安卓版 ensures a resilient and uninterrupted supply chain for the programs we manage. Through customized end to end solutions that address every facet of the supply chain—from inventory management, 实现, 仓库, 装备, 包装, 物流, 运输管理, 澳门游戏网址大全安卓版 enables companies to increase operational efficiency, 提供卓越的客户和员工体验, 关注增长计划, 实现成本节约. 澳门游戏网址大全安卓版 partners with companies to virtualize their supply chains through a growing network of 12 facilities in the US and Canada, 以1.75平方. ft. 仓库空间和600多名全职团队成员. 欲了解更多信息,请访问澳门游戏网址大全安卓版的网站 KemKrest.com.